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Recipe Banana Molen

Bored by frying bananas wrapped in flour dough as usual ? This time we present molen banana recipes . Although it can be easily bought fried bananas molen in roadside sellers , making your own is certainly processed banana will give you a different feel for who enjoy it .

Of process banana molen , parts require little effort to prepare her skin is . You should kneading dough until smooth , then grind it to thin . Especially if you do not have a tool grinder pasta or noodles , and had to grind it manually by using a roller pin . That are equivalent to the energy released , it is advisable to make banana molen in handsome amount . For example , for a social gathering event . If a family member just for snacks , you can make the skin a bit much molen in number , and save the rest of her skin in an airtight container in the refrigerator . Molen skin can last up to 1 month in the refrigerator .

Used for this type of banana , plantain besides you can also use banana yellow kepok . Choose ripe banana ¾ so the end result can be rough molen banana on the inside .

Recipe Banana Molenpreparation time
45 mins
cooking time
15 mins
total time
1 hour

ingredients :
20 plantain pieces , each cut into 2 sections oblique .
Cooking oil to taste
Leather material :
400 gr flour
100 grams sugar
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp vanilla
1 egg
100 grams of margarine
75 cc of water

How to make
Mix flour , sugar , salt , vanilla , eggs , margarine and water until well blended . Knead the dough until smooth .
Prepare pasta rolling pin to thin the batter , if no one can use a regular roller - pin . Trimmed dough to 0.5 cm thick , 5 cm wide .
Take a piece of banana , wrap the dough skin from the tip , circling down to the tip of a banana bananas the other . Do it until the banana out .
Heat oil , fry until cooked bananas molen . Serve warm .

Easy is not the way to make banana molen ? We believe the following steps in the manufacture langah molen banana recipe above you will be able to make these snacks for your family .

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